Community Center Memberships

Membership cards are required for access to the Community Center track, gym, and Senior Lounge. *Memberships are required to use the Community Center

Basic Membership Information

  • All adults 18+ are required to have a Membership Card and check in at each visit
  • Ages 16-17 are eligible for a Junior Membership. Junior Memberships must be set up by an adult and this authorizes the Junior Member to use the Community Center without an adult present
  • Memberships are active for one year and must be renewed annually
  • Memberships are not required in order to register for Recreation/Senior Programs. However, non-members are only permitted to use the program space and may not access the track, gym or Senior Center outside of the program times
  • Memberships do not grant access to meeting rooms, community rooms, or fitness class rooms. Use of these are subject to the Room Reservation Policy and Fee Structure
  • Scan your card daily when you enter the Community Center to use the gym, track or Senior Lounge (no need to scan in if you are going to a program or Library)

Due to the popularity and heavy use by members during Open Gym times, the following gym rules are in effect:  

1.       Members Only for all evening and weekend open gym times.  NO GYM GUEST PASSES will be issued.
2.       Adult Open Gym times are for all members (ages 16 plus).  Every individual must have valid membership card.
3.       Family Gym Time
a.       This time is for families with children 13 and under. 
b.       No individual Members (ages 16 plus) allowed during Family gym time.
c.       No Basketball hoops will be lowered during Family gym time.
*These rules are in addition to the existing gym rules.

Chili Residents
-Free (membership card required)
-$10 to replace lost cards

-$30 annually

Veterans and Active Military
-Free: thank you for your service!
-Please present your military ID