Senior Center Services
Lunch Club 60 Registration Cards —IMPORTANT—
Please be sure you are registered at the Center. Please let us know if any of the information on your card needs to be updated or changed (emergency contact, physician, address, emergency contact, etc.) Thank you.
Program Registration & Account Information
As Chili Senior Center and Chili Recreation move toward a merged Department, we will begin using the same registration program. In order to participate in a hili Senior Center or Chili Recreation program, participants must have an account set up and pre-register. If you have registered in the past for a Chili Senior Center or Chili Recreation program you may already have an account set up. If you would like to set up and account or see if you already have an account set up give us a call at 889-6185.
Register here!
Chili Senior Center Refund Policy
No refunds will be issued unless the Chili Senior Center cancels the program or if approved by Chili Senior Center director. No refunds will be approved after a program has ended.
AARP Tax Preparation Information
At this time, the Town of Chili is unable to host the AARP tax preparation here at Town Hall. We understand this inconvenience, but have made this decision in the interest of safety of our employees, the Tax-Aide volunteers, and the public. Thank you for your understanding.
More information can be found here.
“LUNCH CLUB 60” – Mondays & Thursdays at Noon
Currently on hold due to COVID pandemic.
Seniors age 60 and older and their spouse of any age are eligible for lunch. Suggested contribution is $3.50 per person. (Under the age of 60, the cost is $7.50.) Sign up for lunches at least two weeks in advance. Please call by 10:00 am if you need to cancel: 889-6185.
Veterans Table
Check out all the resources and information on our Veterans Table at the Chili Senior Center.
Food Donations
We accept non-perishable food donations all year long. Please be sure dates are current and cans are not dented.
AARP Smart Driver Defensive Driving Courses
Currently on hold due to COVID pandemic. AARP has cancelled ALL in person classes until further notice.
The Chili Senior Center offers these classes for our Chili seniors and, if space allows, for non-residents. Give us a phone call for more information. You must sign up in advance.
Classes are on Tuesdays & Fridays from 9:00 am to Noon. You must attend both classes.
Senior Assistance
We have information on the following services for seniors: EISEP, Lifespan, Eldersource, assisted living, and Monroe County programs. Stop in or call for a brochure.
You can find more Eldercare Resources here.
Home Delivered Meals
“Meals on Wheels” is a service that provides valuable nutrition for seniors who are recuperating from an illness, are homebound, or are in need of assistance. Call 787-8397 for more information (Visiting Nurse Service).
Chili Lions Medical Loan Closet
This is a facility which houses medical aids for community needs. When a local person is in need of equipment for post-hospital care, the Loan Closet can be contacted and equipment can be borrowed at no charge. To contact the Loan Closet call 406-6662 or 247-2958.
“Westside Express”
This program is currently on hold for the safety of volunteers and participants because of the COVID pandemic.
The mission of this transportation service is to provide safe, efficient & accessible transportation for residents. There is an urgent need for volunteers – drivers & dispatchers. Stop in and see us! There is no charge for this program, however donations are appreciated. If you are a senior in need of transportation, please call 889-6104. Leave a message & someone will get back to you. This program is sponsored & supported by Lifespan.
STAR Program (Support to Aging Residents)
This is a unique program in Monroe County. It offers individualized services. This includes essential transportation (grocery shopping, banking, medical transportation, prescription pick-up) and occasional needs (friendly visits, telephone reassurance, yard work and chores) to all frail, elderly persons over 60 years of age, either by a donation-based or small fee for the service program. We need your help. Volunteers are needed to do simple things that many of our elderly neighbors cannot do for themselves. It just takes an hour or two of your time each month to brighten a life. For more information call 262-7057.