Stormwater Management

What is Stormwater?

Stormwater can be defined as surface water run-off that is generated by rain or snowmelt within a watershed area.   In urban areas, rain that falls on the roof of your house, or collects on paved areas like driveways, roads and sidewalks is carried away through a system of drainage inlets and pipes called a storm sewer system.  The storm sewer system is separate from the sanitary sewer system. Unlike the sanitary sewer system, the collected stormwater is not treated. In some cases it may be filtered through a stormwater management pond; in other cases, it flows directly from the neighboring streets into streams, wetlands, rivers, embayment areas, and lakes.

Why does the stormwater run-off need to be controlled?

If you live or often spend time near a waterway, you are probably familiar with what happens after a rain event. Polluted run-off emptying into clean water is often discolored from sediment and/or plagued with litter. You may be advised not to swim or fish for a couple of days following a rain event because of the poor water quality. Common pollutants associated with urban stormwater run-off include pesticides, fertilizers, oils, salt, litter, and sediment. These contaminants are, in many instances, transported directly from the storm sewer system into our waterbodies.  These pollutants can destroy wildlife, cause the destruction of spawning habitats, reduce the aesthetic value of a stream corridor, wetland or pond, and limit recreational uses of our waterways.

How does the Town of Chili manage stormwater?

The Town of Chili has been identified as an operator of a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) under the EPA’s Phase II Storm Regulations under the Clean Water Act of 1999. The Phase II Program requires each MS4 to prepare an Annual Report, or contribute to a Joint Annual Report, on the municipality’s efforts to protect and improve the water quality of our streams and waterbodies. The Town of Chili has worked jointly with the Monroe County Storm Water Coalition to prepare a Joint Annual Report in conformance with the Phase II Regulations. A copy of the joint annual report can be reviewed at the link below. Please forward any comments to David P. Lindsay, P.E. at

Record of Storm Water Management Officer:

The Town of Chili appoints on an annual basis at its organizational meeting in January of each year the Storm Water Management Officer (SWMO). This position is typically filled by the Commissioner of Public Works or their designee. The current SWMO is as follows:

Name: David P. Lindsay, P.E., Commissioner of Public Works/ Superintendent of Highways

Address:Department of Public Works, 200 Beaver Road
Churchville, NY 14428

Phone:(585) 889-2630


What can you do to help reduce stormwater pollution?

  • Remember: “Only rain down the drain”.  The storm sewer system is for rainwater and snow melt only.  Even leaves or grass clippings can diminish the capacity of a storm sewer system
  • Never dump or pour any material (either solid or liquid) into the storm sewer system.
  • Reduce the amount of and use environmentally friendly pesticides and fertilizers on your lawn.
  • Minimize the usage of de-icing materials on driveways and walks.
  • Properly dispose of pet wastes.
  • Compost vegetative material (grass clippings and other yard debris).
  • Drain your swimming pool only when a test kit detects that no chlorine is present.
  • Wash your vehicle on your lawn instead of on your driveway.
  • Conduct regular maintenance on your septic system.

With help from the public, stormwater pollution can be controlled.  The most effective way to reduce this pollution is to stop it from entering the storm sewer system in the first place.

Town of Chili Annual Stormwater Report

Click Here for 2019-2020 Annual Report

Click Here for 2020-2021 Annual Report (Draft)

For additional information related to storm water compliance issues click the following link: